Itchy left palm Maybe cause a thing into the old superstition of course. Brooklyn grandmother Mary Shammas struck gold when, on an whim, she chose to play the lottery on May 25 after suffering an unusual itchy left palm. "I'd a terrible itch that I've never had before," Shammas told CBS News, "inside the jiffy, previously it was variety of times happening. And I said to myself, 'This means something.' " Shammas, a Bay Ridge resident, considered the original fashioned superstition -- an itchy left palm means money is likely to be on the way -- and thought i would play the Mega Millions, which she says she hadn't played in a long time. So Mary, taking the muni home by a doctor's appointment, immediately left and purchased tickets.
“I used to play the Lottery a great deal but haven’t been able to afford it lately,” she told N.Y. Lottery officials. “But, luckily I still carry all my old playcards in my purse and that’s the same thing that i designed to buy some tickets for that night’s drawing.” Shammas, 73, played her usual numbers, after a very itchy left palm and all established on her family members' birthdays. Days later, CBS News reports, Shammas called certainly one of her sons to substantiate whatever she thought became a jackpot win. Indeed, Shammas had won a $64 million jackpot. Shammas chose to receive the jackpot in a huge payout of $42,049,934. “I just handed (the clerk) my playcard for any my old numbers,” she told me. “The first five numbers - 5 14 17 19 24 - are everything family birthdays. The past number, the Mega Ball, was 25 like Christmas Day, my personal favorite holiday.” The Bay Ridge resident told CBS News, "It's the best feeling on the planet anyone could have, because I need to check out them (her family) have got a better life than I had - (I actually had) an estimated life, and am glad I am going to strapped this. This is often my joy in life." The lucky grandmother purchased her winning ticket along at the Lucky Lotto store at 3rd Ave. in Brooklyn. The bridal shop will be handed a $10,000 bonus for selling a jackpot-winning Mega Millions ticket and all of this because of an Itchy left palm.
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